
This is the official weblog of the Class of 1956, Gulfport High School, Gulfport, Misissippi. Created following our 50th Reunion in 2006.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

June Postings

Martha Davis Perrett, Ruth Ann Gauthe Black, Nancy Fant Timko, Linda Scott, Buddy Hammett, Cynthia Dabney, Gwen Amis Harrell, and Joanne Haluska Edwards. Picture taken during a recent 50's Reunion.

Photo submitted and individuals identified by Gwen (Amis) Harrell

I found this picture of Mike Stewart among a bunch of my pictures my mother had put in a box and saved for me. This is one of the packet of pictures you could buy when you had your senior picture taken. I know we traded these pictures around but I could not find any of my other classmates. Why the picture of Mike did not get lost along with the rest is a mystery! Well, Mike is known to be able to make it thru thick and thin and in this case his photograph certainly has.

Now use this as a motivator -- go dig in your stuff and see if you have any 'lost' photographs and send them to Lionel or Billy.

Picture and caption submitted by Billy McGown

May Postings

On the left of the “seam” in the picture about the fourth row back are:

Harry Hewes, Jerry Kinser, Larry Hatfield, Glen Wright

On the last row is Abraham Kassis and in front of him are Billy McGown and Jan Perrett

On the other side of the picture are Cyntha Dabney, Gwen Amis, Marlilyn Sission, Kenny Rich, Roger Bailey and Jane Hallett.

Near the center and to the left might be Johnny Davis

And in the back on the right is Doris Jackson. To her left is Allison Pringle and Carole Rainey

Identifications by Nancy Jost – thanks BeBe
Thanks to Mike Stewart for stitching the two pictures together.

And, don’t forget you can make this a lot larger by clicking on the picture.

If you see an error or can identify someone we missed, let
us know (Send corrections or changes to Lionel).

"Stars Fell On Alabama"
Anna Gayle Davidson and Harold Hill
Auburn 1958

Gulfport High School before any modifications
to building during the construction of the New Federal Building.

"On the coast of Mississippi
By the sunny sea...
Gulfport High School standing proudly
Here's a health to thee...
Gulfport High School, thou hast taught us
Honor, Duty, Right...
We will ever give allegiance
To the Blue and White..."

One of our class mates -- Tip Milner -- was featured in a very nice article in the Mississippi Press. Take a look!!

Click Here To View

Some folks have had trouble with that link getting them to the article. You might have to look around on the Mississippi Press site to find the article.

Gulfport High School ca. 1955

Girls dressed in baby clothes for a birthday party

Click on Picture to enlarge and read caption

BeBe and Obie Johnson at the senior Cottilian Ball

Peter Sheely and BeBe at the 1955 Homecoming game

Some lovely little ladies

1st Row (Left to Right), Linda Lattimer, Gwen Amis, Joanna Dodson, Susan Medley, Linda Scott, Lindsay Owen

2nd Row, Wilma Maki, Nancy Jost, Carol Anderson, Cynthia Dabney, Carmen Meeks, Betsy Rouse

Back Row, Carolyn Garner, Jane Hallett, Allison Pringle, Mary King, ??, Shirley Fortenberry, Gayle Owens

Leaders, Mrs. Lattimer, Mrs. Anderson, ??

Remember to click pictures to enlarge

John C. Martin -- At home in Tyler, TX in spring 1995

Martha Davis and Jan Perrett on trip to Ship Island, summer of '56

Billy McGown and Jan Perrett
Taken on Bourbon Street during senior year